Atlantic Flower Anemone ?'s


New Member
Hello All,
I recently purchased a flower anemone, or at least that what the owner at the lfs called it, i havent really been able to find pics of it on the web. Anyway, since i put it in my 29 gal biocube 5 days ago, its been doing its best to completely hide itself. right now it basically trying to wedge itself underneath one of my LR. My question is, how am i supposed to feed this guy? I do not have access to it to hand feed, its between the rock and glass. I've already tried to move it into the open but it just hides itself again. I dont want to do it again and cause stress. is this normal. should i be wrried?
I'm still a noob and this is my first anemone so go easy on me.
Any help wouldbe appreciated.


Active Member
"The Rock Flower Anemone, also known as the Rock Anemone, is a member of the Phymanthidae family. Originating from the Caribbean, this anemone is found in a wide array of colors, with the oral disc often being a different color than the rest of the body. The oral disc lacks tentacles, but the tentacles on the body are often beaded in appearance.
The Rock Flower Anemone can live singly or in groups. It will do best living on shaded, vertical rock walls, or within the substrate, and will not usually wander about the aquarium. It will bury most of its body in the sand, with only the oral disc and tentacles showing. The Rock Flower Anemone is fairly hardy and will adapt to a wide variety of lighting conditions. This anemone is a great addition to a reef aquarium.
The Rock Flower Anemone is a carnivore, requiring meaty foods to survive. Offer mussels and freshly chopped fish, as well as a high quality frozen carnivore preparation."


New Member
cool. thanks for the info sparko. it sounds like its behaving nirmally then but what do i do if i cant get to it to hand feed?


Active Member
Can you get a turkey baster tip close? If so turn off your pumps and squirt some food down there so it goes toward it. It will grab some.