ato question


Right now I'm running an ato system with 2 float switches and have the resevoir on the side and I'm just using a rubbermaid tub... the water seems to look funny after a few days so I find myself continually switching out the water in it... should I put some kind of flow in it possibly.. is this because the water is stag??
Also the tub does not have a cover, which I'm wondering if dust and such is playing a role in this effect... I do have another cotainer that has a lid that I could use instead... When you guys drill the lids how do you then secure the opening for the tubing... because won't you still get some dust and such and end up with the same problem??
Thanks all...
p.s. if anyone has pics of their reseviour with the drilled lid and any tips.. would all be appreciated.


anyone know what is causing the odd looking water in the resevoir that I am currently not being able to use becase of this??