Atomatic Top Off System on a Nano?


Does anyone use an ATO on a nano? I have a 24 gallon aquapod and am thinking about getting one in the future...
How do these work? Where does the reserve of fresh water to add go?
Can you recommend a good brand?


Well-Known Member
I've never really heard of an auto top off on a 24 gallon. That's a very small tank, compaired to what I am used to. If you have an RO Unit, run a line two your aquarium, connect it to a float valve, and silicone it to a piece of cut egg crate, then silicone the egg crate in place on the back of your aquarium. You can find small float valves at large plumbing stores OR at your lfs.
There are also electronic switches. I have heard those fail after awhile.
hope this helped


I don't mean to contradict you SnakeBlitz33.
Google the Reefkeeping article "Hooking Up an RO Unit Directly to Your Sump"
Its a good read on the dangers of using the RO unit as a topoff.


Maybe an ATO wouldnt be worth the time or trouble for a 24 gallon? I am just getting tired of lugging water up on a stool so that I can drip it into the tank like every day. Hmmm
NPage!~Thanks for the article link!