attaching a mushroom to a rock?


What is the easiest way to get a mushroom attached to a rock. I've got a loose rubberband around the rock and it to keep it from floating away. Will this work?


Active Member
it can/will. I like to use cheese cloth/bridal veil. wrapped around the rock and slimy coral to hold in place until it takes hold, in about a week or so. see pic to literate the idea only this is a cabbage coral frag



Active Member
You can also cut off an old fish net. The other mesh can be obtained at wally world or any other fabric store. Takes about a week or so for mine to attach.


Active Member
I cut the net off of an old fish net and loosely wrapped net around rock with a shroom on it. I will check in a week or two to see if it attaches. Hopefully this will work for me.


Active Member
Still the fastes less hassle and easiest way is to stick em in place with a pin or needle and piece of rubber band to act as a stop on needle or pin. See attached pic for self expanation. Within a few days they are in place and doping fine, and its easy to push a in or needle into a coral such as a shroom or leather or polyp mat as live rock is relatively soft. Just do not place it in the mouth and it will be fine. It does not hurt or harm them in any way. A regular sewing needle can be used, as can stainless steel dressmaker pins if yu do not have access to hypodermic needles. Most farm and feed stores or veterinary places will sellyou a hyperdermic needle dirt cheap.


Active Member
Use a small Rubbermaid container like you would use to store that last little bit of cole slaw from the picnic and toss a few small pieces of rock in it an the mushroom. If need be cap the container, mushrooms don't need a lot of light, submerge the entire container to the bottom of your tank in a low flow area and wait a few days. It should attach.
Depending on the species of mushroom I would not worry about it to much. They are pretty much indestructible and sooner than later you will have more than you even want to bother worrying about.
I actually have a small purple mushroom that attached itself to a empty hermit crab shell (how it got there I do not know). Soon after a growing hermit decided to occupy the shell and I now have a small purple mushroom that travels around the tank on the hermit and is none the worse for it.


Active Member
Another good way to frag shrooms and other critters is to use one of those suction cupped or hang on the tank breeder traps. If I frag up the high $$ ric's i use this method, but it also works fine if yyr looking to attach a shroom to some rubble. Drill a few holes the sides of the breeder cage if it doe snot have any, and place crushed coral and live rock rubble in the breeder cage, so the plastic bottom is covered. I also add small glued in plastic dividers as well, but theyare not needed in all reality. The top is usually solid or open grid, so just place shroom in the breeder cage place top on and let them in the tank. They will attach to rubble or crushed coral, and then the crushed coral can be super glued n place. I rather place things on large rocks already in place andnot have a bunch of small frags stuck all over the place, so I tend to use the needle method for most postioning of critters.