Attaching Coral


Active Member
I have this reef glue made by Boston Farms. The instructions say to take the pieces out of the water and glue for 20 seconds. Here is the problem. I want to attach a coral to a large piece of LR that is at the bottom of my tank.
Can I take the coral out and place some glue at the base and then quickly put it in the water and press it against the rock? All suggestions are welcome.


You can try it! The glue will probably come off after being placed in the water. But, I suppose if you where quick enough, it just may work!

yosemite sam

Active Member
This is a gel-type glue, correct? If so, yes, you can do that, but you have to take an extra step. A skin will form over the glue as soon as you put it in the water and won't stick right away when you attach it. To get around this, put a large blob on the coral base and mash it (carefully!) onto the LR where you want it. This will break the skin and allow the glue to adhere to the rock.


Active Member
It is a gel and I attempting to attach a the rockbase of the coral to LR. I am going to dry the base off. Should I let the glue sit for a little bit on the base then add it or should I act quick?

yosemite sam

Active Member
Attach the coral right after you add the glue. You might also try a 'test fitting' of the coral prior to gluing to see where the base touches the LR, and then add the glue to those spots.