attaching lta plzz help


Active Member
Isn`t this like your second or third thread with the same topic ?

Anemones need pristine water , a well established tank , medium water flow , and medium to high lighting . How old is the tank ? How long have you had the nem ? How did you acclimate it ? LTAs need at least 3 inches of sand for them to bury the foot in .
Usually when an anemone does not settle , something is wrong with the tank and it can not find a spot it likes in the new surrounding .


Active Member
lta's attach through the substrate, not rock. are you sure thats what you have? or did it bury its foot through the sand attach under a rock?


no its attached in the higher level of my tank on the rocks hes no where near the sand i dont kno if thats what i have the people on the forum tol me it was an lta


Active Member
Sounds like it might not being get enough light down on the sand bed and went closer .
What do you have for lighting ?


no he didnt walk there i put him there and he would always move and once he moved frm there he would start floating around because its really small so i put him back and i spott feed it and then i tried moving it again 2 put it on da stand and he jus tucked himself in and i noticed that he burried his foot in the rock and he looks happy because hes fully opend and he looks bigger


thats what they do they move to where they are happy even if you move it it will move again to where it wants to be,


your safe as long as the clown is smaller than the the anemone if its larger or same size it can and will stress it out big time. it can actually kill a smaller anemone if they harrase it enough.


ok the clown i have isnt big or small and the anemone isnt that big is there a problem there the clown is about 1.5 inches


you will need to watch it closely then because the clown can harrass it usually the anemone needs to bigger than the clowbn for it to safely host it.


well i thing they are both happy cuz he leaves the anemone and comes back and he brought his food to the anemone and the anemone eats it and he doesnt let my other clown get near the anemone