Attaching maxima while still in its '' Juvi Stage?''

mr. tuna

Active Member
I have a 1.5'' maxima on my sand bed, I bowl feed him every other day, and i have had him for 3 months. My question is.. should i try to lay a flat peice of LR about ( 3'' long and 2'' wide) under him? I have heard that maximas like rocks, more than they do sandbeds.. The problem is.. when i take the clam out of the tank to bowl feed him, he ususally opens, then closes while he is feeding. Would that de-attach himself off the rock? can i try placing a rock under him now? or wait till he is past the ''bowl feeding'' stage?


Active Member
I hate to tell you but when you're bowl feeding him he probably isn't getting any food. Forcing that much food on him after disrupting him by removing him as you can see will close up therefore probably not circulating much if any water through its cavity. I'd suggest just dosing the whole tank. I did the flat rock thing with my new 2" maxima and he seems to be ok, I put the rock on the sand. I've heard the foot doesn't fully attach until the clam gets larger but I may be wrong.


you "bowl feed" i take that means moving him into a bowl to feed and then back into the tank?? i have a 1 inch or so maxima and he is doing fine on my LR. clams like rock much more then they do sand, so if you want it in the sand get it to attach to a small chunk of rock first, then bury the rock in the sand. When they open and close they can tend to knock themselves off from where u place then before they have attached. however once they attach they wont move much, and if they do it is cause they dont really like it where they are and will open and close to kinda bump themselves arround, but they wont dis-attach, they will just kinda inch arround. i wouldnt place it under a rock caues it wont get enought light and may end up dieing. Hope this helps