Attack of the brittle star


New Member
I think that my brittle star is preying on its slower tank mates. I have had the brittle star for about 3 months. Its body is about the size of a bottle cap and it's arms are approx 4 inches long. My scooter was missing last month and today my cleaner shrimp is gone! I have had my shrimp since I started salt water 3.5 years ago (he was a beutiful specimen). I am pretty bummed. I think my PB Tang and Perc clown should be ok. Should I get rid of my carnivorous brittle star? I am thinking yes. Any suggestions?
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did you feed your brittle star regularly? i drop a piece of shrimp in for him about every 2 or 3 days ow whenever i see his disk is real flat


Im not so sure they only eat slow fish. I had a healthy yellow tail damsel come up missing a few days after I added a green brittle star. Now I feed my star. Hope he dont eat no more fish, cause if he does he going back to the store.

sinner's girl

our brittle has left our clowns and shrimp alone...(well it did eat the cbs but it's left the camble back alone). I do feed it a piece of shrimp about once a week or so.
but if it's eating your fish, i'd say bye bye.


i read the green and i think the gray ones, are the two that will eat fish??? i have a red one that is pretty big and everything has been fine, so fare? i read the red and black ones are safe is this true?