Attack of the Foxface

I friend of mine gave me a SFM, as he decided having two of them in his 150 was to much work. However, my foxface would keep the SFM corned in the tank for the most part, so I places the SFM in my QT so he would not be stressed out, however has anyone ever heard of a foxface displaying this type of behavior??


Nope, never seen that before. I've had my foxface since he was tiny and now he's 6" and I've added a lot of different fish over time. He never once bothered any of them. One of the most peaceful fish I've ever had.
SFM=Snowflake Moray. The current tank that my Foxface is in has other fish tankmates and inverts, but he actually cornered the moray and kept in one corner of the tank, but was not bothering any of the other fish or inverts. Just seemed very bizzare behave for him. Normally when I am cleaning the tank, he rubs his side against my arm and will even come to the top of the tank to be hand feed seasheet sheets that I tear into small pieces.