Attack of the purple


Active Member
well hold on now..I've seen cyano come in that color... :scared:
can u get a pic of it?
is it slimy lookin? is it covered in tiny air bubbles?


If its spreading over the LS it isn't "cool" its cyano. :scared:
(1) siphon it out
(2) decrease the amount of time your lights are on
(3) cut back on the amount/frequency you are feeding
(4) increase circulation, cyano prospers in areas of low circulation so make sure you have
at least 10x circulation (10 x gals) going, if not add powerheads; if its just in one area
adjust your PHs or add another one for that area
Good Luck


Ya coraline algae doesnt grow on the sand bed, it grows on th rocks, glass, and power heads.
Are you using tap water or RO water?