attatching frags


New Member
I just got two very nice size frags from my buddy, his toadstool, has grown to the size of a computer monitor, so he had to trim it back. my question is, how should I place the frags in my tank. He told me to fold them kinda in a circle. but how will they attach. just so everyone know's there tenticles are extended about 4 inches already, so they are doing very well so far with the transition. what kinda things can I expect to see in the transformation. this, as you can see, is the first time that I have put any frags in my tank, so I'm tottaly clueless. thanks in advance :D


You can put it in a lower flow area on some rubble rock and then pile some rock around it so it says there. It will attach in a couple weeks max, maybe sooner. Or you can cover it with some cheese cloth or bridal veil-like material until it attaches to some rock. They are pretty tough IME, I've fragged mine a couple times. Check out the coral fragging and propagation thread in the archives.
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