Attatching shrooms

salty blues

Active Member
I have just in the last few months started keeping a few corals. A couple weeks ago I had a shroom that detatched from it's rock. Not really sure about how to re-attach it, I used some fine plastic fishing line to lightly bind around the shroom and a small piece of rock.
After a week the shroom had re-attatched to the rock and I was able to remove the line.

heart & sole

i would just get a little plastic container with some LR rubble in it and put the shroom into it with a net/screen over top and put it in a low flow area of the tank it should attach to one of the peices of rubble in a day or 2.


Originally Posted by Heart & Sole
i would just get a little plastic container with some LR rubble in it and put the shroom into it with a net/screen over top and put it in a low flow area of the tank it should attach to one of the peices of rubble in a day or 2.
+1 That way you can either place or glue the rubble where you want it.