Attention MPLS MAN


New Member
Just reading about your mangrove set up. How deep in the chamber do you plant them below the surface. Also in what, pots with gravel or into a sand bed. Did you raise them from seed or small established plants. Top idea, I am very interested to hear from you. Any other info. would be appreciated greatly.
Regards, Dirk (Great land of Oz).

mpls man

Active Member
I bought them from the lfs as adult plants, I placed them in pots with Kent Marine biosediment (mud) CC and sand, they are about 1" below the water level. here is a pic if this helps. for lighting i have a 13 watt jebo refugium light, that is on 12 hrs.


New Member
Thanks heaps for the reply MPLS MAN, good to see exactly how you did it. Makes a big difference with a photo. I am definatly going to have a go at them. There are heaps of seeds floating down the river over here in spring, so I am going to collect some and try from seed. They are protected here so you cannot buy advanced plants as you did. Thanks again, Dirk