ATTENTION!:Sharks could be gone....


Last 2weeks i was watching the news and they said that some sharks could become exticted(sp?).Then today i was watching a special on "worlds most dangerous animals"and they said that some species of sharks could be gone in the next 5 years!Lets act NOW!No more hunting sharks for there jaws,food,ect.
They were saying(dangerous animal show)that you are more safe in the water then driving to the beach. Some sharks that are on the chopping block......banned shark(yes,your aquarium shark),tiger shark,great white,and i think a few others.
So if you see one at the beach dont yell SHARK!:yes:


Yes, I don't think so either. There are a ton of bamboo sharks. The others though definitely - great white's are slowly making a comeback in population though.


Well its very true that sharks are hurting and we as people are not doing enough to stop. Our government though has been pretty good. On the east coast there are 13 banned sharks, the actual law is when you find that you have one of these 13, not when you pull it into your boat, you are to immediatly cut the line. I know Tigers, sandbar, both thresher sharks and I believe nurse are amoung the 13. In Cali it is illegal to catch great whites I am pretty sure. The problem is more with Asia than with any of the Western countries, including Scandinavia after we caught on to what they were doing and put an end to it with the Greenland Sharks. I think the number is around 13 million sharks are pulled up by the Asian fishing fleets each year. they simply pull them up, chop off the fins and throw the still alive shark back into the water, murder on a grand scheme. Best part is, they do it with impunity because its in international waters and no one can stop them. It doesnt stop there with sharks though, no they also pull 45 tons of sea horses each year for their tribal impotence medicines(last known info on this was 2001). Only 4 tons were pulled for the aquarium trade, so while we arent totally blameless on that one, its plainly obvious who the real bad guy is. Populations are half of what they used to be. I cheered when I heard about that sub surfacing under the Japanese fishing boat and sinking it a few years back. They deserved it. But wait thats not all and this is our own US fishers doing this, they are complaining about lower catches over the past few years but have actually complained when told they could not drag their nets along the bottom on the continental shelf, whether the govt backed down i dont know, but they were told that the shelf bottom was where most of the fish they caught hide when juveniles. Is that not idiotic? They complain about not catching anything but then

when told they cant take out the nurseries. Talk about short sighted morons. I hope a big storm wipes them out, they too deserve it. There are other ways to make money besides raping our resources.
Thankfully there is hope. Alaska is a model example of how to run a proper fishery, unfortunately the rest of the world is too caught up in the old ways to change. Australia is another example of a model country doing a good job. They learned the hard way with sharks. Sport catching of sharks was very popular last century, fun to catch and the fishermen didnt mind because sharks ate their commercial fish too. Soon very few sharks were left. Soon very few fish were left as well. The main food of sharks were various seals who primarily ate fish and with no sharks to thin their numbers the seals went wild. Major restrictions were set in place on shark hunting by the gov't. It is still unknown what the result will be though and hopefully it isnt too late. With the seahorse thing, CITES II came about several months ago and introduced restrictions on the seahorse trade too. Hopefully that will make an impact on those butchers. And before someone says it, no I have no tolerance for a group of people who destroy harmless life just to make drugs so they can get it up or mutilate sharks so they can look good at a business dinner(shark soup).


Lionfish, if you get a chance, take a flight over the beach sometime, you will be shocked at how close to sharks swimmers actually are and never know it.


Very well said Harlequin!!!!
How can you commercially "harvest" creatures that don't start reproducing for at least 10 years into their lives (yes...shorter for some but longer (like 30 years) for others)?



Originally posted by Harlequin
Lionfish, if you get a chance, take a flight over the beach sometime, you will be shocked at how close to sharks swimmers actually are and never know it.

well Thats what the dangerous animal show said?I have never seen a shark at the beach.I have seen stingrays,baracuda,star fish,sand dollars and more fish,at the beach


The percentage is, I believe, that if you have spent more than 10 hours a year in the ocean, in 85% of the cases, a shark has most likely come within 12 feet of you (CA, FL, NC, SC, OR, Australia, etc)


I love florida but its hot as ---- down here but ive lived here my whole life so im used to it. p.s id never go to canada the worst place in the world to live. No offense to u canadians.


Its hitting like 100 down here man. And since its so over-populated down here. sitting in your car with no ac is like committing suicide. Youll look like this -->:mad:



Originally posted by FrozenIce
I love florida but its hot as ---- down here but ive lived here my whole life so im used to it. p.s id never go to canada the worst place in the world to live. No offense to u canadians.

Have you ever been to Canada? The eastern US seaboard and the midwest gets much worse cold weather than most of Canada. The summers are also nice - 75-90 F. I live in southern Cali, but I grew up in different parts of Canada and would move back in a heartbeat if it wasn't for the lame, non-effective style of government (IMO). Vancouver especially is awesome - rated in the top 5 cities to live in in the world. And having lived there for most of my life, I'll attest to that. And in the winter, it rarely falls below freezing. There's snow MAYBE for a week out of the year, and much less rain than Seattle... :) I will throw in though, that southern california (where I live now) is THE MOST overrated place in the world. It's ugly, dirty, overpopulated, polluted, overheated, and everyone here "puts up a front" (even me now - I've been here for 5 years!). There are more lifted trucks than I can count (the ones that don't off road - you know what I'm talking about). I'm also glad I bought a house when I did, because now the median price is well over $350,000 for a new 1800 sq ft home in the middle of the friggin desert over 100 miles from the city, and $600,000 for a nice 900 sq. ft. condo IN the city. What a ripoff. I can probably get a friggin mansion on property in Montana for that price. But then again, there are no jobs in Montana. :nope: It's all relative, really. END RANT.


Active Member
i used to live at the beach in san diego when jaws came out. I was scared to go in the water. I think your all crazy.


Geez, I started reading this thread because I thought you were talking about the moderators. Those sharks are definitely not endangered........:D

cayman isl

Living out in "the 909" is not Southern California!
Orange County is paradise! And owning a 1600 square foot house that is worth $750,000 is not bad either! I would sell, but there's no place better to go, unless it's Grand Cayman!
Oh yea, there's still sharks here too!! (in keeping with the thread topic)