Attention Sinner's Girl


Hows it goin? I'll get right to the point! I would like to know if you would sell you 75 gallon tank. I want one really bad and you are the only one that lives in the same state as me! Thanks- Sid

sinner's girl

Okay, this is soooo old! But I'm just finding it, (I was doing a search for something else).
Anyway, 2 years later, sorry...! Can't sell the tank, it's full of inverts.
BUT would you like to do a group buy from here? I want fish, I don't need any more inverts and my total doesn't come close to 79....

sinner's girl

Lol, did you check the date the thread was started? I think this was posted before there was the other board. It's not like I can move the thread. I'm not even sure if he's still around.
Anyway, if it's a problem a shark can delete it. No big deal.


Wow it has been so long since I've logged in and looked at my user cp. I have been living in North Carolina for 2 years now. I dont even have my tank anymore. I gave it to my wifes little sister. Anyway I would have liked to got in on that buy. I never ordered anything from here but I have always wanted to. I think I am about to buy another tank. Its so hard budgeting money when all I want to do is spend it on fish tanks.