Attn: Beth/Terry - QT Question


Active Member
Hi guys,
Well on your advice I have now a completely set up QT! And I am now looking to get my first new fish. Either a neon wrasse or a yellow tailed damsel.
My question is, what is the exact proceedure for QT? Just observation? How long? Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and pH are all perfect, is that all i need to measure?
Cheers for the help guys,


Staff member
Congradulations, you've just stepped up a notch in your hobby experience! Obviously, you are SERIOUS about SWF now. :D
Did you cycle the tank??? Did you read the FAQ section at the top of this forum?


Active Member
Hi Beth,
Yes I followed your words religiously and the tank is fully cycled and conditions are perfect. Just got to use it now :D
I only have an internal fluval filter in there, that is ok right?
So how do I deal with a new fish in a QT?
Thanks for your help,


Staff member
You might want to add a small PH to the tank. Water quality and water movement is important.
What are your water readings, including pH?
To add fish, simply do what you would if you were adding it to the main tank. acclimate it, then add it.
You do have hiding places for the fish, right? Either fake rocks, or pvc?
How did you cycle the tank?


Active Member
Hi beth thanks for the response,
My readings are: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0 and pH 8.2
There is one rock in there....think I should put something else in? Any ideas to what?
I cycled it using a prawn which caused the ammonia to rocket (let alone the tank to stink) and all the levels did the usual cycle.
The fluval is probably the wrong size for the tank, too powerful perhaps, it is on the water surface creating a lot of water disturbance, shouldnt this be enough?
How long do I keep it in there? Do I give any precautionary medicines or just observe?


Staff member
Just adding food really isn't enough for a cycle. Did you condition your QT filters in your main tank before putting them in the QT? Use water from your main tank to establish the QT? Etc. What marine source of bactiera did you use, in other words, to kickstart the cycle?
Yes, fish need to feel secure. Fake corals, or pvc will do for providing them with comfort zones.
No meds needed. Once the fish are in the tank, you can do hyposalinity as a precautionary measure, but that is not necessary. If the fish get sick, of course, then you will need to apply appropriate treatment. Fish should be in the QT for at least 3 wks. Longer if disease occurs.


Active Member
Sorry I was a bit vague, it was a tiger prawn (instead of a dead shrimp) to kick start the bacteria. WHich i removed after the ammonia has spiked.
Yes water from my main tank was used in there.
No i didnt condition filter but it was an oldish filter from a marine setup.
I will try and pick up some fake corals etc.