Attn: Beth/Terry


Active Member
Hi Guys,
I know this isnt quite a disease but i guess it is in a sorta way?! Anyhoo, I really wanted your expert advice on Diatoms.
I have a really big outbreak, and it is really depressing me. Ever since I added my T5 lights they have been there. On Sunday I added some Rowa-Phos to my external Fluval and hopefully that will shift some. DO you know how long it will take? ANything else I can do to help it? My lights are on from 9am to 9pm (actinics and main lights 2 hours less). I do not use RO water but am looking into a unit.
Thanks guys for your help,


Staff member
I am having my RO/DI unit installed as I write! :D What are is your phosphate and silicate levels? Test your source water for phosphate so you can see what you are currently dealing with.
Both phosphate and silicates are essential for diatom growth. Where is the growth occuring? Sand, rocks, glass? What type of substrate do you have? Silica based? Have any macros in the tank? What diatom loving detritivores do you have?


Active Member
Hi Beth thanks for the reply!
Phosphate levels are 0.5 (see sig.) and I cant measure silicate. I am going to test my aeriated water tomorrow for phosphates and see if there are any going in, I suspect there are.
The growth is occuring EVERYWHERE. Literally all over the glass, rocks, sand. At the moment it is simple coral sand but as soon as the diatom outbreak is gone I am going to see live sand.
I only have 4 red legs and 12 super turbs at the mo. No Macros in tank.
Thanks for the help,


Staff member
Well, the phosphates will be a constant food source for diatoms. Can you get some macro algae? How about some trochus snails? Do you have crushed coral? What's your plan, to switch out the sand bed with Live Sand?
Macros eat phosphates, so to speak :D. If you can test for silicate too, that would be helpful.


Active Member
Hi Beth,
When you say Macros, what do you mean exactly? Im not quite sure :confused:
For some reason I cannot simply get hold of a silicate test kit over here in the UK. I plan to seed the current coral sand with live sand, there is no way I can replace it after what happened last time (big spike lost everything), so I am going to add just some live sand (about 20lbs I think) to seed the rest.
What are trochus snails? I heard conchs were good?
Thanks for the help,


Active Member
Cheers beth!
No i dont have any but any that did come in with LR was quickly chomped by my yellow tang!
Good news is that my diatoms are dying nicely and are disappearing! (see post in Reef Tank Forum).
Thanks for the help,


Staff member
I have found that macros are one of the best filters you can get with tank. If you can't keep them in tank, you can always setup a refuguim to keep them.