Attn Broncofish


Active Member
HEY - got your message passed over to me - knew about the test - been trying to call to wish you luck!!!! Let me know when you are taking it for sure and how you do!!! Also - call me when you get a moment!!!
:cool: Go Mr Tech Sergeant Sir .... :p


Active Member
its a technical test in the military ..
DVS - you kill me!!!
Rotten B@strich hasn't called me @ all - think he is sitting on my nano-refegium and wants to keep it for himself .....
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


Active Member
You crazy kids... Yep I'm back at the house, Jerom I having nothing small enough for your fuge so you can stop sweating


Active Member
As far as I know testing is still on for tomorrow, so hopefully I do well, and then I can deploy(have not heard yet, but I'm sure it's coming)