Attn: fallensynner on Starting 180


Active Member
I didn't want to highjack the other thread.
I had a ray I fed 2 times a day. which was messy and the reason for frequent water changes.
I fed squid, octopus, mysis shrimp some feeder fish. I was lucky all my fish would eat frozen food. I probably spent.. (its been 2 years)
$50 in food/month when my fish were adults
I had pc lights. I don't know what size your tank is or where you live or what seasons you have. But my summer bill was 100 no tank, roughly 150-175 with tank. It went up 50-100 bucks depending on the season, and all the upgrades that I added

For the record.. I had a 180. I moved 3 times and gave the fish to my neighbor who has a 400. Happy fish! I had it for 2 years but I have not set it up in 2 years. At the time I got rid of it I had
P. puffer
Black V lion
Dragon Wrasse
Blue tang
Copper banded butterfly
When I had my Blue spotted ray, these all became lunch when I was on vaction for a week.

super small blue tang
bangii cardinals
green chromis
other questions just ask!
Many of the people here can help you answer those questions too!! So I made a thread out of it.
srry for tanking so long to write.
thank u very much for the info. i dont have any tank right now its just i wanted a heads up for wat needs to be done.
i had a 180g reef tank(i maintaned the tank and got everything but they paid for everything) but my parents sold everything right before the economy went to hell
. i live in miami, florida and summers get 90 to 95 and non summer is mid 80s to mid 70s.
did u feed the ray while u were gone?lolol well did anyone feed him while u were gone. did u have the other preds while the ray and the smaller fish no right. you had 5 large fish was there room for anymore? y didnt u have any angles? was it cause of the lionfish.y didnt u have an eel?snowflake


Active Member
Never kept an angel or eel.
I got the ray on a fluke, and already had the other fish, with the intentions of getting rid of them. When I got the ray, it minded its own business and the fish didn't pick on him.
I went out of town for on a family vacation to hawaii. We were gone almost 2 weeks. I had someone come over once a day to feed the ray. Apparently that was not enough. lol
If I could, I would get the biggest tank that I could afford. lol

pool boy

I thought I could keep 2 angels together but it is not working out. I had a Blueface in for a month or 2 and then added an Asfur, aka Arabian Angel.
The asfur is agressive as hell. I had to take the blueface to my brothers tank and is now doing well. The Asfur does not bother the flame at all.
I prefer the look and temperment of Angel fish.
u should have tried to acclimate them together and place them in the tank at the same time as well as same in size.
lol thank u leopard for all ur info
180g is actually very expensive not sure how much my parents paid for the tank but it was by oceanic and bowfront style.
now u can get bargain tanks thats y i want to buy 3 to 5 tanks with some help with my parents they can get the big pred tank maybe around 225 and 100g wavy. ill get the 90g corner and 75g and 55g
this is my goal

pool boy

I have a 90g with about 100lbs of LR. I really, really like Angel fish. I currently have 2 clowns, Yellow Tang, Flame Angel, and Asfur Angel.
First, is this type of fish only load high or low for this size tank?
Second, What other Angel might I be able to add and would it be best to put 2 in at at the same time to deflect some of the Asfurs energy?
The tank has been up and running for about 8 months now. Water quality is perfect. I have a good mixture of cleaning crew as well.


Active Member
Yes that is my pix.
Sorry fallensynner I was working that last few days. I tried to pm you all this info, but you have your setting so that I could not do that. lol
I never kept an eel with my ray. Blue spotted rays are one of those fish that are listed "expert". I am not 100% sure why. I did not have any problem with mine. He ate like a champ. It was getting him to leave food for the other fish that was the problem. I didn't want to stress my ray so I did not keep any aggressive fish.
lolololol dont wrry its ok is it dsabled now. if not do u know how to disable it
and thank u for ur info and trying to answer me