Attn: Wax32


Active Member
I love hermits as much if not more than everything else in my tank. I saw an electric blue hermit that was about 4 cm or so in diameter including his shell and the guy said someone traded him in because he had killed some nassarius snails. I wanted to get him so bad, but refrained because I have several nassarius snails. Do your electric blues kill snails?


Active Member
I've had numerous blue legged hermits, and yes they have killed the snails and started wearing their shells. Good luck!


Active Member
I think this is a different hermit than your traditional blue legged hermit. It is larger and looks different. I could be wrong though.


Active Member
No, my electric blues have never killed ANY snails.
Usually if hermit kills a snail it is because you have too many critters competing for food and the hermit was hungry!


Active Member
well lack of new shells for growth will make any hermit kill for housing. happened to me once unto o provided shells and never seen it again.
