There really are no good fish stores close to bothell. The closest is aquarium concepts, aurora and 146 th. The fish store in the UW district, roosevelt and 62nd. Below Sea Level in the U-district, Brooklyn and 42nd??? Saltwater city in bellevue, and Blue sierra in issaqua (sp).?? The closest used to be Jones and Co. but they went out of business from Lynwood. They also have a store in Marysville. Not many frag trading groups in the Seattle area. I only know of the puget sound aquarium society At meetings, people sometimes bring frags and they also have a once a year frag swap. I also forgot about a great place in Silverdale. The shark Reef. They tend to sell small frags. I hope this doesn't get deleted since it mentions stores, we will see. Just trying to help a local reefer out.