Attractive Addition


I'm moving up from my 90 to probably a 150. I currently have:
3 inch clown trigger
2 inch huma trigger
4 inch lawnmower
16 inch snowflake eel
Since the clown is the largest "fish" in my tank, what will I be able to safely add? I was thinking some sort of lion. Would the lion have to be bigger than the clown?


What was said in the above post is true, When you add a new fish there is always a concern about how the other fish will react. It all depends on how aggressive the other fish are. I have been able to add a lion to my tank with a niger, dogface and snowflake, and no one has bothered him. It is up to you, if you see the other fish going after it then be ready to remove it and make arangements with the lfs you bought it to return it. Good Luck