Auction Tips


Active Member
Hey everyone
sorry in adbaance for all the spelling errors... im at school and im not supposed to e doingf this soo im typing fast
so i just had some ?'s about bidding on auction sites.... im thinking about bidding and i was wondering if there are any tips out there for me.. like when to how much
like should i do it early or last second....
thanks in advance


Active Member
i dont feel there is any reason to do it early...if there is already a bid, dont wait till the last second either because you never know if they have bid much higher...and while youre trying to beat that bid you might lose out because of time.....but if you have a MAX that you will pay...and you know that and wont bid a penny over, just bid whenever, it wont really matter because if someone else wants it that bad, theyll bid over ya...early or later...know what i mean? buttttttt...if you do it later and having the winning bid it will give others less time to think about it...the more time they have to think about it, the more time they may change their mind and say why not bid...... this is all assuming youre bidding at the good ol 4letter auction site. thats my two cents ***)


Active Member
yep, I say set your limit and either bid early or bid at the last minute. I feel those that bid and then someone outbods them just to say they outbid someone drive me nuts. They are running up the price for everyone. I just purchased a coat for my husband last night and the 2 of us that bid were serious. The first guy placed his max amount on there.
I came in about 10 minutes before and placed my max amount on there.
Just don't get caught up in it if someone starts outbidding you 5 days before the auction is due to end. You never know if there is a shill out there.


a lot of people that are selling stuff have a friend, or other profile that they use to "jack-up" the price of the bid. They continue to outbid you until they get you to pay what they want. Then, if they win, they're not responsible for paying. I'd avoid auctions where they start outbidding you early in the auction... sounds like one of those deals to me...


Active Member
this is true what jdrag says, so figure out your max or you may spend to much just being "in the moment" of bidding and trying to win something.


Active Member
I bid on a 100-gallon tank right after Christmas last year, about a week before the auction was over. Got it for $200, tank and stand. My girlfriend got 2 tanks the same way. If you want something, just find it, bid on it, find it, bid on it, keep it up and you'll eventually get what you want for a price you consider fair or even a steal.


Active Member
It can be very frustrating and rewarding also. What we do is to place a bid of whatever we want to pay for it, that is our MAX. Then if someone makes a bid, and it is below your price, it will bump up your bid to outbid them. Then as the action closes you can watch it. More often than not someone will come in leterally at the last minute and start making bids. But if you get it you still got it for the price you wanted it for. Sometimes that last minute people do not come in and then you get a deal.


Active Member
thanks guys... sorry i havent been on here in awhile... the bidding ends in 5 hours... so i guess im doing a last second kind of thing