auriga butterfly/Shark


Active Member
alright i have a serious aptasia problem in my main tank. There is more aptasia than i evan thought
i know butterflies arent supposed to be kept with sharks but since this auriga butterfly only eats anenomes and polyps, some meaty food do you think i will have any problems?
ive tried EVERYTHING to kill aptasia from lemon juice, kalk, boiling water, joes juice, stop aptasia vinegar etc. etc NOTHING WORKS and they keep getting worse!
i need to get this fish! what do you guys think?


What species of shark do you have?
Because that may depend on if it's possible to keep a bufferfly with a shark.
Another option - if it is possible, is maybe put the shark in another tank until the butterfly has cleaned the tank up. Then move the butterfly to the other tank, and your shark back to it's original tank.


Because - as I'm sure - psusocr - is very aware that most sharks are highly sensitive to copper. And copper can remain even in trace amounts for quite a long while after first introduced into a tank.
Still some species are known to be able to tolerate low copper level - like nurse sharks.
But for most sharks - the best way to reintroduce the shark to that tank - would be to completely recycle the tank. Take out all the LR & LS and replace it with completely new rock & sand. And also do a complete 100% water change.
So see - it would be a serious pain in the behind.


Active Member
i would never use copper in any of my tanks no matter what happened..especially owning a shark..
i also wouldnt be able or be willing to move my shark
1. hes way too big and i would need a HUGE tank to hold him in
2. i think that kind of transition would be more stressfull to the shark than anythig i do
i do however appreciate all the ideas!
i have a grey bamboo, i was thinking if i get the butterfly small (around 3") he wouldnt bother my shark because he would eat him, but i also have to get one large enough so my lions dont eat him either. i would also only purshace him and keep him until my aptasia is gone then get rid of him
its a horrible decision im faced with either way :notsure: