Auriga butterfly


I am re-doing one of my tanks as a purely display tank for now due to space and time restraints on my breeding projects. Corals will be basically grow-over coral from my reef tank and I am not too concerned if it gets eaten, probably be good for the fish if they do eat it. So does anyone know much about Auriga Butterflies? I plan on having one with a mated pair of either flame angels or flameback angels and a 4 line wrasse(these I already know about and the angels will be added after the butterfly).
Other butterflies up for review are a racoon butterfly, Facula butterfly or an Indian Butterfly( C. mitratus). Ideas on them would be helpful too.


i am a huge fan of the racoon butterfly. i really want one, but i heard they don't do good. the auriga is also a pretty butterfly but is one of the more-aggressive members of the family, often chasing fish that have similar color patterns. if you want more than one of these in a tank make sure you add them at the same time. they are safe with corals too, and like a lot of live rock. it will eat fanworms and some other inverts as well such as glass anemones. aparently this fish has been seen cleaning other fish. it is also said to be the hardiest of the butterflies as well.