I bought an Australian clownfish from my LFS a couple weeks ago. It looks just like a Tomato Clown.
The thing is, I don't see anything online regarding an "australian" clown.
Is it just another name for a Tomato?
When pet stores use silly name like that, ask them for the Scientific name. Then you can check it. Post a pic of it.
Also, research your fish before you purchase them. Most stores will sell whatever they get in. If you don't you could end up buying fish that won't survive in your tank.
There's a few different clowns that come from Australia, but the one commonly called Australian clown is A. rubrocinctus. That's probably what you have. They're often mistaken for the usual tomato clowns, A. frenatus.
A. frenatus will have a fine black line outlining the white bar, where A. rubrocinctus will not. The care for both is the same, and they are both being produced by ORA, where your LFS probably got it from.