auto top-off/Kalk doser.


Ok here is the deal... Bi-ionic isn't doing it for my tank any more. I'm adding 6 tbs aday of calc to keep it at 420ppm. I won't be able to get my calc reactor until..... maybe feb... (renovating my funiture... big tv!!!!)... :rolleyes:
so... after reading the Dripping Kalkwasser 101 tread. I learned that I can raise my calc and get rid of my phos.
so I came up with this semi auto top-off thingie....
just wanted to know what you guys think...
I'll leave you with diagram for now and I will explan after dinner.


Ok... let me try and explain my diagram.
I will be using a stander 5 gal bucket... to be exact my IO salt mix bucket. Here is were I will mix my ro/di water and kalk mix. The bucket will be air tight with the exception of 2 air hoses. One the goes through the top of the bucket and only goes down 3" (Let's call this one air line #1). The other will go almost to the bottom of the bucket... about 1 1/2 inches up (Let's call this one air line #2).
Air line #1 will be connected to an air pump. The air pump will be connected to a PH controller or timer. when the Ph drop to a ... lets say 8.0 or my lighting turns off the air pump will turn on and pressurized the bucket... in turn push out the kalk mix through air line #2. Air line #2 will be connected to and air valve and some kind of bubble counter/ IV drop counter thingy (Don't know what it's really called) to control the amount of mix being sent to the ventori (sp?) air inlet for my maxi jet 400. The maxi jet 400 feeds my turbo floater 1000 Protein skimmer.
If I got the idea right... this should stabilize my calc and ph and remove my phos.
Please tell me what you guys think. Negative and positive comment and recommendation are all welcome!