Auto Top-Off system


Active Member
Finally! The stars are aligned, my digital camera has returned home, and my computer is working (for the moment) so I have the pics of my auto topoff system!

This system utilizes a solenoid valve that hooks directly to my RO/DI system. The valve is normally closed unless energized. The valve is opened when the float in the return chamber of my sump drops, thus closing the circuit.
The second float is hooked in series with the first so that if a snail or peice of algae jams the first float, the second one (normally out of the water) will break the circuit if the water raises to it. It will fill by an extra gallon, but better than water all over the floor.
The float holder is simply some PVC that I had laying around. It hangs over the side of the tank and the corner peices keep it in place.
This has been up and running for over 2 weeks now and the level in my sump has not vaired by more than 1/4"!!!! I found that the return chamber of the sump is best for this as it's water level rises and falls the most with the evaporation/return of water.
My SG has been dead on as well the last 2 weeks.
The solenoid valve is made of stainless steel (only the solenoid itself has a brass jacket). The TDS of the water coming out is EXACTLY the same as water going in......ZERO!!
It fires about 4-5 times a day. Far better than one or two large topoffs!!
Total cost, around $65. A little pricy, but not having to constantly do topoffs myself makes it worth it. Combine that with my SG being as stable as possible and I consider it money well spent.
Now, any questions?



Active Member
Originally Posted by fisherson
is it bulky in the tank? as in is it an eye sore?
Nope. It is underneath the tank in the sump. Even if you put it into the tank itself, the floats are only 1" in diameter. Pretty small so if you tucked it into a corner, you probably wouldn't notice them.


wow that's nice some day i hope to be able to have all these cool accesories.
I gotta do it caveman style and add water frm a bucket!


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Hey Grog where'd you pic up the solenoid valve?
Unfortunately, I have never found one at any home improvement store. I went to an industrial supply store where they have hundreds of different models/styles for use in different machines. I found what I need at Grainger. Check local phonebook as they are a national chain and there probably is one near you.
Since their catalog is over 4000 pages long with millions of parts, the part numbers I used are:
Float valve: 2A554
Solenoid valve: 2A195
Solenoid coil: 3A440
The coil runs off of 120V, they do make a 12V DC one, but it costs like three times as much. The float valves will run on either 12V DC or 120V AC


Active Member
Thanks for the information....I was looking around online today and think I've found something similar on aquatic eco's site......I'm going to get with them and look at prices, but will check with Graingers, we have 1 local here as well


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Thanks for the information....I was looking around online today and think I've found something similar on aquatic eco's site......I'm going to get with them and look at prices, but will check with Graingers, we have 1 local here as well
Glad to help! Let me know if you need any more help hooking it up!


Originally Posted by TheGrog
Glad to help! Let me know if you need any more help hooking it up!
first it's nice project but since you check a lot i want to ask you if you see this top off by jbj.
they said that it's auto fill water to and it's cost about $90. i don't sure if it's auto fill the water or it's just protect the pump from runnig dry.
can you tell if you see that item or know about it.


Active Member
Not to hijack the thread - Mavgi. I use this ATO along with the Kent float valve to auto top off reservoir and ATO top off sump. Very happy with it..


Originally Posted by zman1
Not to hijack the thread - Mavgi. I use this ATO along with the Kent float valve to auto top off reservoir and ATO top off sump. Very happy with it..

did you connect it to your ro unit ?
can you post picture how you run all this together .
i want to connect it to my ro unit and i don't have a space to put under my tank a bucket .


Active Member
Originally Posted by mavgi
first it's nice project but since you check a lot i want to ask you if you see this top off by jbj.
they said that it's auto fill water to and it's cost about $90. i don't sure if it's auto fill the water or it's just protect the pump from runnig dry.
can you tell if you see that item or know about it.
From what I know it is just a controller unit for float valves to control a pump that pumps from a resivoir to your tank. Not something directly from RO, but the resivoir could be hooked up directly to RO with a simple float valve to keep it going.
May eventually do something like this in my basement so I can have a large, aerated RO/DI supply for water changes and topoffs and simply pump the topoff water up to my tank.


i want to know if i can use those item that you buy and connect them to jbj it will work :
Float valve: 2A554
Solenoid valve: 2A195
Solenoid coil: 3A440
to make the coil as the "pump" when the water low the coil will relase the pipe let the water run and when the water in the setpoint up . the coil will close the flow.
do you think it's can work?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mavgi
i want to know if i can use those item that you buy and connect them to jbj it will work :
Float valve: 2A554
Solenoid valve: 2A195
Solenoid coil: 3A440
to make the coil as the "pump" when the water low the coil will relase the pipe let the water run and when the water in the setpoint up . the coil will close the flow.
do you think it's can work?
If the JBJ runs off of 110, then yes it should work.
But I have to ask....why??? If you hook two float valves (second one for safety fallback) and the solenoid assembly, it will function just the same without adding a peice of electronic equipment in between. If you want control over the flow, then look at my assembly. I have a shut off valve on the input side of the valve (when doing water changes, ect) and you can always unplug it if you want to shut it off.
With this setup, I see the jbj as just one more thing to go wrong. Personally I like the KISS principal (Keep It Simple and Stupid-proof).


Active Member
Yes I have seen that site, but for what he charges to put it together, you could make your own for less.
If you look closely, he is using the same float valves that I use. The solenoid valve he is using is a different brand, and from what I have heard not as high quality.
If you want someone else to put it together for you, then his system would work.


Grog, doesn't it worry you to have the plastic tubing pressurized all the time? What if one of those fittings leaks or the tube breaks while not at home? I love the idea and want to do something similiar...let me know what you think....The way your wired, every time the float switch makes the solenoid picks, which is a lot of picking and dropping, you witnessed five times but your probably not staring at it all day so there's more where that came from. Now, to improve on this: Two more float switches and a relay. Leaving the float switch you go through both N/C contacts on the two switches in series(2 for safety) say...2" higher than the float that kicks it on. Now from the feed from the kick-on switch through a set of N/O contacts on the relay, then to the feed for the coil(the other side is neutral) so it stays energized after it picks. Now the water will flow till one of the other two break, and now it will kick on, run for 2 inches than kick off. The starting and stopping scares me, because all things fail in time, and this corrosive environment won't help matters. This is a GREAT discussion you started GROG. Let's see if we can perfect your Ideas to keep the pressurized water at bay safely???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tanker555
Grog, doesn't it worry you to have the plastic tubing pressurized all the time? What if one of those fittings leaks or the tube breaks while not at home?

Grog, I take a shot at this part. These are the same fittings/tubing used on RO systems and your Ice maker on the Frig. Your Frig solenoid could not shut off water for the icemaker also...
What would make nervous is if the float switches were switching 120 VAC in the water to control the solenoid. This would be my biggest fear for failure - Would hope the GFI catches it.