Auto-top off system

So the next element that i would like to add to my reef aquarium is an auto-top off system. I don't have room above the sump to place a container of top off water but i can place it next to my sump. I have been doing reading about float switches and using them with pumps but I'm not sure if I have the whole idea nailed down. I would like to place a pump a maxi 1200 I have laying around in a 5 gallon bucket and run a hose from the bucket to the sump. But how can I get it to turn on and off automatically when the water level drops...and is this a good idea? Running it directly from my RO unit is not an option cause its on the other side of the house.


Active Member
We are going to put in place the TUNZE OSMOLATOR UNIVERSAL 3155 - auto top-off system. I got a great deal on one from our local reefer's club. It will be in a 150g reef.


Osmolator Universal will be one of the best things you buy, trust me.
I have the Tunze system, and love it. Reason I chose this one is because the main sensor is infra-red, so you don't have to worry about salt crusting it up, like the float switches. It also does use a float switch as an emergency shut off, if the water is too high. I highly recommend this one, it isn't cheap but will worth it.


Active Member
I have Tunze on 1 tank and el cheapo versions on my others.
The tunze pump will push the water up 5+ feet to the main display. It is a nice setup, just pricey.