Auto Top Off


Can someone explain to me how these are made? I am thinking I need to make one of these for my new tank for when I go on vacation as it is a topless tank. Any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by brain1991 http:///t/390559/auto-top-off#post_3459626
Can someone explain to me how these are made? I am thinking I need to make one of these for my new tank for when I go on vacation as it is a topless tank. Any help is appreciated
There are different types. I had the JBJ ATO so I can explain that sensor goes in the holding tank (big plastic tub) of RO water, set just above the utility pump and the other sensor went into my tank (or sump) set at the level you want the water to stay. The JBJ is plugged into an outlet and the sensors attach to it. A hose is attached to a utility pump running back to your tank (or sump) and it is plugged into the JBJ ATO unit. When the water level in the tank (or sump) drops a little bit...the JBJ turns on the pump and as soon as the water is at the right level, the pump shuts off.
The sensor in the holding tub is a protection from burning up the pump. If the water is below that sensor the other sensor in the tank (or sump) will not turn on. Never attach the JBJ directly to your RO because if anything goes wrong, it could pump all freshwater into your tank. You always want to use a tub as a holding tank with RO in it. I used a 37g plastic garbage can (marked FISH ONLY) it would only need to be refilled once a week for my 90g.
Hope that helps.


Active Member
If your search this site, not to long ago there was a pretty good thread on this very topic.....I think MrBLDreef showed a pretty good DIY unit....


Is this worth it for if im on vacation to keep the reef healthier or would getting a glass top just for these occasions be wiser? I get the overall idea how they work, but are they sensitive enough for a 10g tank or will they make salinity too unstable? Also what are you referring to when you say if anything goes wrong all freshwater would be pushed into the tank; are you saying if it was literally hooked up to my rodi under the faucet? Thanks for responses. I will do some more searches, my initial search of auto top off didnt provide much. Ill look for BLDs thread!
O and lastly, is there a minimum sized pump that is required to counter gravity or will any powerhead/pump work?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by brain1991 http:///t/390559/auto-top-off#post_3459801
Is this worth it for if im on vacation to keep the reef healthier or would getting a glass top just for these occasions be wiser? I get the overall idea how they work, but are they sensitive enough for a 10g tank or will they make salinity too unstable? Also what are you referring to when you say if anything goes wrong all freshwater would be pushed into the tank; are you saying if it was literally hooked up to my rodi under the faucet? Thanks for responses. I will do some more searches, my initial search of auto top off didnt provide much. Ill look for BLDs thread!
O and lastly, is there a minimum sized pump that is required to counter gravity or will any powerhead/pump work?
Any Maxi jet or untility pump will do. Secure the hose so it does not slip out of the tank. As long as the power head has enough push to go from the holding tanks bottom to the top of your tank (or sump) you will be fine. The warning was from a personal experience I had with a skimmer that decided to wet skim and ATO kept replacing the lost water that was leaking at the back of the tank while I had no idea there was a problem since the tank stayed at the same water height...
The leak was discovered when the carpet in the front got wet as I walked past the tank. Then I started looking for a leak and found it. My holding tank was near empty and the sensor in that tank was just about to be ingaged. My SG dropped (over a 24 hour period) from 1.026 to 1.021....if I had been say on vacation, and the skimmer (the coralife) did it's little stunt, and had I of had the RO ATO connected to the main tank as some on this site have done...I would have come home to a freshwater tank with dead saltwater critters in it.
By having the RO water for top off in a container, the lowest my SG could go was the 1.021...low but still safe. The low water sensor would have prevented disaster. And since the ATO replaces water slowly bit by bit the critters were able to handle the drop in SG as it kept refilling.


ok thanks for the tip and heads up, and all the help Flower! Do you recommend the JBJ/do you like it?
acrylic51, Thanks for the info on the other thread but that was wayy over my head ha. All those wires, I wish I was that good but I could barely understand what I was reading. For 70 bucks I feel like I would lose alot less hair than making the unit.


New Member
I too have a bad evaporation problem since we live in a high desert. My tank will loose over 1 inch of water on the weekend in the summer. I plan to install a small tank/tub/bucket around 20 gallons or so with a regulating float valve installed in my sump tank to add the water slowly as needed. Then I can control the amount of water by only putting in slightly more the tank will need in my absence to prevent an accidental overflow. The whole cost should be less than 20 bucks. You don' t need a fancy aquarium to just hold RO water.
Keep your feet dry!