automatic feeder


New Member
Does anyone have any ideas about how to feed a tank automatically, but using frozen food and not flakes, pellets, etc? My work hours are such that I have to feed my fish in the evening, and I know they should feed several times a day. I am not sure of how possible it would be because of the problem of the frozen food going bad over the day and getting pathogens, etc, growing on it. I am just not sure how to feed these fish more. Thanks for any replies, both fact and opinion.


Active Member
Honestly I don't think there is a way with the traditional automatic food feeders with frozen food.....What type of fish are you keeping? You fish honestly don't need to be fed a couple times a day or everyday for that matter.....


New Member
I saw this feeder in a magazine for fish. It is a tube that you put anairstone in and it dissipates the frozen food over the course of a few hours. Have you seen them?
Right now, the tank has only 4 chromis, three scissor tail gobies, a brown barred goby, a coral beauty, three emerald crabs and a few hundred snails. It is a 210gal FOWLR, and is shortly going to be made into a tank for aggressive fish. the feeding thing is my question as I am not sure how to provide small amounts several times a day.