Automatic Feeder


Active Member
Does anyone ever used an automatic feeder? Did it work well? Can u manually set it? If u have or heard of them, can u tell me everything u know...

tony detroit

Active Member
My lifeguard worked great
up to 4x a day with 6 hour intervals, however it only worked for two months, and then stopped working for no apparent reason.
I am currently thinking of buying a rondomatic 400 as you can put liquid like coral vital/etc. in there supposedly as well as food


Active Member
interesting, so u can like set it? I mean, is there a way to get them to feed once a day or something like that??? How much does it poor out? can u change that too?

tony detroit

Active Member
It puts out a decent amount, but like I said it broke and I wasn't very happy with it at all. Plus the feeding intervals are either
They can be 4,3,2, or just once a day


Active Member
The couple things I will say about automatic feeders is to use it before you need it, and don't overfeed.
Don't wait until the day you leave to set it up and fill it with fish food.
If you're going to use one when you're away, set it up and let it run several weeks prior to you leaving.
That way you get to see how it works, how the fish take to the food, how much waste is being dumped into the tank and how it may affect your water quality.
I used one with flake foods, and most of the food hit the water surface and got pulled down the overflow before all fish could eat it. I had to make a little floating barrier around where the food came out so that wouldn't happen.
Basically I was feeding my sponge prefilters for 10 days, and the fish got little food.
Poor water quality resulted when I returned from my trip.
They work, but I prefer to have an intelligent friend or neighbor drop in every couple days to feed tanks.
( intelligent meaning one that can follow written or verbal instructions ;) )

tony detroit

Active Member
I will say you definitely made the call on the flakes, but I have found that most of the pellets are much better at sinking faster than the flakes. I had to put mine on the opposite side of the tank from the overflow, but the pellets sank fine.
BTW if you haven't heard of spectrum pellets they are worth the money. I've been using them for about 3 months now and all my fish look great, especially my regal tang. His belly is starting to get a gold/yellow tint to it. I'm not trying to sell anything here, but I will say my fish attack that stuff when I feed it to them, and I have noticed a slight color change. Plus they sink within 5 seconds of hitting the water.


Active Member
I think I posted this on another part of the message board. The problem I had with the feeders is that humidity from the tank tends to gum up dry food and then it does not drop out of the feeders into the tank properly. some of them have a place to attach an air hose to attempt to alleviate this problem...but for the most part, they are risky to depend on....can someone develop 7-day and weekend feeder blocks for saltwater fish which are similar to those sold for goldfish and tropicals. When I had goldfish they worked fine.....