Automatic Fish Feeder


Yum coffee, okay guys/gals I need a automatic fish feeder in less than 3 days to feed a single zebra goby 4 large blue leg hermit crabs (in 1" turbo snail shells) a sea conch and a Strawberry Crab for 10 days. So does anybody know any good and accurate automatic fish feeder preferably with no batteries. I need one quickly and any and all replies are welcome. Thanks


Active Member
I know you said no batteries anyways, but the cheap $20 one you can buy from the 2 docs as well as every LFS is a piece of detritus.
I tried it out for a trip when I was out of the country for a week, and came home to moldy fish food and hungry fish.


It has an air blast to keep the food from getting all messed up.
It is a bit pricey (60 delivered) and had battery's,....Good luck trying to find something quality/accurate/worthy without the need for battery's.
going away for 10 days and you want a plug in? Will it reset if power outage? battery = no worry
Using it for over 3 years fact, It is so reliable I sometimes forget it is there and have to fill it. is the only one I have liked. I have a beach place and go almost everyweekend. although it is not 10 days. I can look into teh clear food holder and smile knowing that power lose or what not, my fish are being fed.


Active Member
I've seen horror stories regarding auto feeders. Some break and don't allow food at all while others dump it all. If you are leaving town for a few days I wouldn't worry about feeding at all. If you have plenty of LR there should be enough food for the fish to pick off which will sustain them until you are back. If you are that concerned get a 7 day pill box or some film canisters and divy out the food so that the person that is going to check on your tank and help with top off can feed your tank.