Automatic top off issues


I have the JBJ automatic top off system. Recently the system stopped working; when I looked at the control square the light that indicated sensor 1 was flickering in and out. If i turn the system off, leave off for a few minute, and then turn it back on everything will work fine. However, after about 10 minutes it'll stop working again.
Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bmeeder http:///t/393666/automatic-top-off-issues#post_3502792
I have the JBJ automatic top off system. Recently the system stopped working; when I looked at the control square the light that indicated sensor 1 was flickering in and out. If i turn the system off, leave off for a few minute, and then turn it back on everything will work fine. However, after about 10 minutes it'll stop working again.
Any suggestions?
Check out the sensors and make sure they are clear and clean with no algae or snails on them. I have never had any trouble with the JBJ except for sensor wear. The next thing to check would be the pump too make sure it works like it should.