

that name is determined by the number of posts you have. Im a Mandarin i have 62 posts and as you get more posts your name changes


Active Member
correct, but don;t worry about what it says, we are all equals here, except for the sharks, we are no better or no more right than any other member, but we are appointed as moderators. So the shark title is one that is reserved for appointment only. NOT for rank.
Also, beware about posting merely ot raise your ranking, b/c if your post gets deleted, you do loose it as count, thus your rank can drop. So please post to participate and to help out.
this will save a great deal of work for us and disapointment for oneself.


Active Member
Also, beware about posting merely ot raise your ranking, b/c if your post gets deleted, you do loose it as count, thus your rank can drop. So please post to participate and to help out.

I just want to move up one i am at 147 posts and someone told me that at 150 you go up
I rest my case.


Active Member
Admittedly, it is kind of amusing to watch your rank increase, but as stated, it really means nothing. We have some Marine Biologists who have a lot of knowledge on this board that simply don't spend too much time posting, so their ranks are lower.


Active Member
If he was still alive - and registered here today - he'd be a peppermint shrimp too.
One of the most facinating people of all time - I wish he was still around :(
The programs that he developed and the TV documentaries we're great !
Ranking here doesn't mean squat !


I'll agree with you Broomer!!!! I was a Sonar Operator in the Navy and found out there where only two civilian companies that would hire me. GE, who makes the equipment and good 'ole Jacae (sp)
I really miss his shows!!!!!!


Active Member
It's a picture of Jacque Cousto.
He died in 1997 I think.
1960's, 70's, 80's and 90's
Ocean explorer - marine life, seawater, plant life ~ you name it ~ he studied it and brought it to us in some really great television programs. Unreal some of the wonders he would explain and discovered so much about the sea.
He invented the self contained underwater breathing apparatus ~ otherwise known as SCUBA tanks.


Pretty uncalled for towards a guy who has done a hell of a lot for this site and its members...for what I perceived as somewhat of a joke.


I've learned so much here... and had lots of laughs, too. Sometimes we need to remember not to take ourselves too seriously.