AW, what kind of fish is this?


Active Member
AW, I figured you would know what kind of fish this is.
I am sure a fish like this is quite expensive. Is there any similiar that would be a tad cheaper?
To me, it kinda looks like a rhinopias, and I know they run a pretty penny. An LFS that always had cheap prices near me had a red rhinopias one time for $499.99.


It's a Sea Goblin, although I dont know the exact species. It's definately not a very common one, due to the coloration.
This is the common coloration that you'll find with Sea photo, but the fish belongs to my friend, James.


I know the physicians have them in stock, right now.
EDIT: Alyssia beat me to it. That's the same one I'm talking about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2EOD
I know the physicians have them in stock, right now.
EDIT: Alyssia beat me to it. That's the same one I'm talking about.



Active Member
Alright, one more question, I'm sorry.
I just took a quick look at a few online sites (docs, and a few others) and they all say that you most likely will need to provide saltwater feeder shrimp as food upon arrival into the aquarium.
In your experience, how long would it normally take to wean sea goblins onto frozen foods? I could QT the fish and try to wean him onto frozen there, but I don't want to have him in the QT forever. There is no way he will get to the saltwater shrimp in my tank before my fuzzy dwarf and squirrelfish.
What is your thinking here? I am really interested in this fish, but I won't even think about attempting one until I absolutely know that I will be able to keep him healthy and happy.
Whoa, I just noticed you posted a pic of one. Very cool fish!


Depends on the fish. The one I pictured above was weened to frozen in a matter of weeks. Then, he was moved out of the QT tank and into the display, where he started refusing frozen. It then took months to get him back to frozen.
The one pictured above is kept in a 75gal. with a 6" Scorp. a Hawaiian Leaf Fish and a Fuzzy Dwarf. He does just fine getting food, but the Scorp and Fuzzy have to be fed first.


Active Member
Alright, well thank you very much for the info!
Originally Posted by AW2EOD
but the Scorp and Fuzzy have to be fed first.
Well, if that is the case, I think I just made my mind up, lol. A sea goblin in my tank will never get food with my squirrel around. My squirrel would eat until he explodes.


James always feeds his fish on opposite sides of the tank. Keep the Squirrel occupied, until you can get the Goblin fed. It sounds difficult, but it's quite easy.
It's completely up to you though. You know the personality of your fish.


Active Member
Yeah, I see exactly what you are saying. That seems to work better with fish like lions, scorpions, anglers, and groupers.
This squirrel of mine darts and eats just about anything, from krill to ghost shrimp to sea veggies and anything in between. There is no keeping him in the corner, lol. He is my amusing ADD fish.

I really appreciate you providing me with all of this information though.

ledzep fan

Active Member
A lfs near me has one in stock thats brownish grayish for $50. The cool thing is that they have him eating frozen too.
The Zep


Originally Posted by reeftank27
is a sea golin the same as a rhinopias? cuz thats what that fish is.

Wrong again.
Rhinos and Sea Goblins are two, VERY different fish.
Rhinopias: HERE
Sea Goblin: HERE


Originally Posted by reeftank27
they are in the same family then right?

Rhinopia are in the Scorpaenidae (Scorpionfishes or rockfishes) family, with a subfamily of Scorpaeninae.
Sea Goblins are in the Synanceiidae (Stonefishes) family, with a subfamily of Choridactylinae.