Aw2???? Anybody


They would get along if their sizes were similar or the harlequin tusk was bigger than the wrasse, but your tank is too small for a red coris wrasse.


Active Member
I agree. I wouldnt put a Red Coris in anything less than a 180gal. tank...from personal experiance.


Thank you guys and Aw2
its not what i wanted to see but i respect your judgment
well thank you anyways
and also Aw2 I live in Champain IL. (ORANGE AND BLUE COUNTRY) (except for football season


"Thanks you guys and aw2." lol. Since when did he become so special and we are all just chopped liver?


Active Member
Originally Posted by boalgf
"Thanks you guys and aw2." lol. Since when did he become so special and we are all just chopped liver?

I'm not "special". If you'll take a look in the other "AW2 threads", I've repeatedly asked other people to give their advice. I dont claim to be an expert in anything in this hobby and have not asked for the "Hey AW2" posts.
I do have quite a bit of experiance, in the hobby, and dont mind them...I'll gladly answer any question, whether it's directed at me or not.


Active Member
They also are poor shippers and do not have a great survival rate. THey are often injured in shipping and when caught in the wild. You need a DSB as well.
If you deside to get a larger set-up and try best have the supplier ( if buying on line) ship the animal in an oversized bag.
If you ever decide to buy one from the LFS leave a deposit and let them keep it two weeks.


aw2 im getting a 125 mon what do you think are good fish and how many
i like aggressive fish
now have
volitan lion 4"
yellow tang 4"
snowflake eel 5-6"
panther grouper 3" and how long till outgrows 125


AW2 rocks at fishkeeping
At first i took offense to his advice but now that
ive gotten deeper into the hobby i realized he's only speaking the truth
without beating around the bush
thanks AW2 you rock!