aw2 please read


aw2 im getting a 125 mon what do you think are good fish and how many
i like aggressive fish
now have
volitan lion 4"
yellow tang 4"
snowflake eel 5-6"
panther grouper 3" and how long till outgrows 125
AW2 rocks at fishkeeping
At first i took offense to his advice but now that
ive gotten deeper into the hobby i realized he's only speaking the truth
without beating around the bush
thanks AW2 you rock!


Active Member
sorry to jump in on this post Im not AW but I can help you with this if you like. as for the list of you have posted
volitan lion 4"
yellow tang 4"
snowflake eel 5-6"
panther grouper 3" and how long till outgrows 125
the one i see that would be a true waste would be your yellow tang if its smaller than the 4 inch you specified make sure it IS at least this big when adding it so your lion wont outgrow the tang and make it a meal. you will find all these fish to bell well compatible in a 125 as for the grouer they dont grow extremly fast so you can have it for a few yrs before needing an upgrade.when buying any of these fish .make sure you see them eat before purchasing lions and eels especially can be tricky to get to eat if they are not from another well adjusted tank.I have had or do have all of the fish listed. oh yeh just a word of caution for the grouper .they are eating machines if it fits in there mouth they will eat it.most people dont keep panthers if they dont want high feed bills they can and will eat you out of house and home.but other than that they are cool fish.and very hardy.
what I have in my 125 is
panther grouper bout a ft long
large vol lion also ft long
spiney boxfish puffer
lunear wrasse
silver scat
bi colored foxface
black moray eel
niger trigger
black brittle star
No clean up crew my scat and foxface do that job very well
I have had all of the fish almost one yr in this tank the scat I have had for 4 yrs
if you concider wrasses or triggers make sure they are add last to the tank they are very aggressive and extremely territorial.I do have 2 other tanks set up if you would like information on other species that I may have feel free to ask away
my tanks range from agressive fowlr and reef and I also keep a bamboo shark.
feel free to check out my photo albumn of my tanks


Active Member
also what do u mean ur foxface and silver scat keep things clean i dont get it sry, i have cc will this be fine for both of them and what kind of foxface is it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
your ray is in your sump? How big is the sump?
the sump/fuge measures 48x24x18 the fefuge area is 48x12.unfortunatly the ray is no longer with us my water level raised up to high and the ray flipped over onto the filter media I did not catch it in time to save him he ran out of water due to laying on top of a filter pad
we designed the that system not only for filtration but also as a refuge to keep fish in this time I only have a small about 8 in spotted bambo shark and a butterfly fish in the refuge untill I get my 300 set up


Active Member
can u describe to me what the foxface and silver scat do plz as i have cc and am looking for something to keep it clean


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
also what do u mean ur foxface and silver scat keep things clean i dont get it sry, i have cc will this be fine for both of them and what kind of foxface is it
I have cc in most of my tanks sand only in my 100 fowlr
the scat and foxface are both herbavores they keep algae growth to almost nothing.the scat on the other hand eats anything including waste hense the name scat
ack lol
becuase of the type of fish I keep in this tank snails and crabs are basicly a waste of money the just become food and are not nessesary to this particular tank.below is a pic of my foxface and silver scat.btw the scat is known as a brackish fish I have had him for 4 yrs in this tank he measures at 9 inches long


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
would my foxface be ok in my cc tank to keep things lookin clean and tidy
from excessive algae growth yes to keep your cc white is almost impossible its going to turn colors no matter what you do short of weekly bleaching which is def not recomended to do keep waste down during weekly water changes highly recomended for an agressive tank as with all others.with the cc this is easier than with sand you clean the substrate with a gravel syphon removing excess waste particles from the cc this will keep your nitrates and amonia levels down .I feed all my tanks 2-3 times per day, every day . th bioload can be quite excessive for an aggresive tank with or without a cleaning crew if you have a refuge macro algae could be helpefull but if not good filtration and maintance will do just for the scat its not an easy fish to find my LFS has had 2 come in in 4 yrs time and mine was the first in acclimated to sw in 10 yrs time 2nd was 2 months ago and these were the only 2 ever to come into their store.if purchased brackish it will take at least to months to fully adapt it to sw.its a slow proccess.known to live 2 yrs in captive brackish tanks,but in the wild only brackish as juvenile.most not sold with this information


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
aw man, sorry about your ray. Nice lookin ray it was.
yeh he was sooo cool, Im waiting for my LFS to get me another in .I purchased Aw's 300 hopefully they will find me a healthy one(my lfs is very picky for me) I had problems with a wild caught bamboo shark it passed away after 2 days from not eating they accually got me a spotted bamboo cat bred at sea world for me.which I thought was rather cool of them to do


You're in michigan, right? There's a lfs by me with a small stingray.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
You're in michigan, right? There's a lfs by me with a small stingray.
im looking for spacificly a cali ray .I have one on order they found me a spotted ray realy quick but it must be a cali.what part of mich are you in ?but I only purchase fish from one store only they take great care me and they know there fish.its owned and ran by a marine biolegist


Active Member
My lfs has about 5-6 scats in saltwater . they have been there for months. Do they eat corals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mitzel
My lfs has about 5-6 scats in saltwater . they have been there for months. Do they eat corals?
nope they are told to be reef safe.My LFS put the last one they had in the frag tank to remove algae out break.but thy do get up to 14 inches they eat aiptasia ,bubble algae and alot of other pest type algae not sure about red but ive never had an algae problem in this tank.btw they are venomous caution when working around them.they have venomous fins


Active Member
iv never seen mine show agression to anything in my tank but that doesnt mean its suitable for the shark or ray family.I dont know if id try that combo yet or not.who knows I may end up trying in the future not sure as of shark will be addd to my reef not my agressive