

i have a six foot long 125, but only 18 inches wide is this big enough for a stingray? if so what other fish can go in with him. where is a good place to read up? thanx


i think he said 24. the tank is actually 74 inches long. anyone can actually help me. i just know aw2 answers a lot of ques


Active Member
18" wide, in my honest opinion is not big enough for ray. I'd go with nothing less than 24"...but best is something 30" - 36".
I've never kept rays before, for the simple fact I never felt like I had a tank compatible to them.
There are quite a few other people here that are keeping them though...I'm sure they'll be happy to give their opinions.


IMO, your tank may meet the minimum requirement for a small yellow or cali. It's borderline so I understand if others disagree. Scott Michael's book suggests that one can live in a 72" x 18".
Keep the aquascaping to a bare minimum.
BTW, I love these AW2 fan club threads.


Active Member
Hey AW2...could you post a pic of your entire tank? my son saw your dragon eel and said WHOA dad you need one of those...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
Hey AW2...could you post a pic of your entire tank? my son saw your dragon eel and said WHOA dad you need one of those...

For your son's viewing
And, might I add...I'm not sure how these "Hey, AW2" threads came about. There are many, many people here that know ALOT more than I do. I dont want anyone to get the wrong idea and think I'm a know it all. I just enjoy the hobby (a little too much, if you ask my ex) and like giving advice. But, on the other hand...I dont want people to think I dont enjoy replying to their threads.



Active Member
iam not stealing the thread but i dont want to post a whole new thread with the title aw2 lol general question i am getting a new tank and was going to go with sand instead of cc do i ever have to clean the sand or will it take care of its self and same with the cc if i decide to keep it do i have to clean it


Active Member
i thought you were MUCH older than you are..i saw your picture and WOW i was totally wrong witht he image that was in my head! I think that ia ctually though you looked like Ron Burgandy :hilarious :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by sulley
does anybody know anything about freshwater rays

Check whether they are in fact legal to own in your state.
Need very large tanks with very good water conditions and a lot of space to move around. Dimensions are again critical. I worked with several, and saw many die which is not extremely uncommon I am afraid. Make an effort to keep it a biotope tank. They like soft water, and would be found with many of the tetras and such. We kept them with angelfish and discus. As in saltwater avoid more aggressive fish (many cichlids) that would pick at it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sulley
i have a six foot long 125, but only 18 inches wide is this big enough for a stingray? if so what other fish can go in with him. where is a good place to read up? thanx

You tank would work , but a wider tank would be much better for the ray in the long run.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
And, might I add...I'm not sure how these "Hey, AW2" threads came about.
Fresh Meat...


thanx to everyone for their help. as far as pointing out aw2 i was just reading a lot of posts and he responds and knows what he is talking about. i know that there are a bunch of you who also know what you are talking about, and the more i read these threads i will learn. i decided to wiat and get the right tank. thanx again for everyone,s help
p.s. why do some people ask for advice then argue with the people if it is something they don't want to hear?