AW2X3 a few questions... Juvi Eel's


Active Member
you prolly remember my juvi yellowhead moray... well rigt now hes about 1 1/2 feet. I got a few questions for you guys...
1. Hes around 1 1/2 feet right now and i have noticed him becoming a little lighter in color but how long will he be before he changes to the white color with the yellow head? right now he is brown with black dots, a juvi
2. how often should i feed him? right now i feed every day until he stops eating but he eats like 10 1/4 inch pieces of shrimp, scallop, squid, and octopus every day.
3. I have him in a 55 gallon wit over 100 pounds of br. will he outgrow the tank?


Active Member
In my opinion, he'll outgrow a 55gal. tank. I'd say 75gal. - 90gal. at the least.
They'll max out around 30" - 32".
He's not a juvie anymore, at the 30" that you say he is. Coloration will vary from specimen to, he may be at his adult colors already. I've seen many that were brown/tan with black spots and the yellow head.
Feeding wise...feed him till he's full. That's my motto. But, being that he's past juvie stage he wont lose weight/fat as easy. I'd suggest feeding 2 - 3 times a week and feed until he refuses more food.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
In my opinion, he'll outgrow a 55gal. tank. I'd say 75gal. - 90gal. at the least.
They'll max out around 30" - 32".
He's not a juvie anymore, at the 30" that you say he is. Coloration will vary from specimen to, he may be at his adult colors already. I've seen many that were brown/tan with black spots and the yellow head.
Feeding wise...feed him till he's full. That's my motto. But, being that he's past juvie stage he wont lose weight/fat as easy. I'd suggest feeding 2 - 3 times a week and feed until he refuses more food.
hes not 30 inches hes 1 1/2 feet. sorry if it waisnt clear.
can you drop me an email?


Active Member
You were clear...I was just having a dumb moment and didn't calculate 1.5' correctly. lol!