Awesome mantis!!


My LFS has a zebra mantis shrimp that someone traded in. This thing is LARGE! Bout 6in long x 1.5 wide. Very aggressive!!
I have a five gallon tank that I recently set up as a quarantine tank....or possibly a mini reef. Haven't decided yet. I am thinking about picking up this mantis and putting him in that tank. I don't think they need alot of long as they have a good sand base and a couple rocks to burrow into. Is this right?
Also wondering about lighting.....I could probably get by with crappy stock lighting for this guy couldn't I?


Active Member
A 5 gal tank is not nearly big enough for a large mantis. When you're saying "Zebra", I assume you're talking about L. Maculata (those are the only ones with the set common name of Zebra).
They'll reach lengths of 12"+ and alone, need a 125gal tank, with a 10"+ sand bed.
Pictures, or a scientific name would be great...and would help in giving advice about tank size.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PhoenixOfThePyre min tank size for L.Maculata is 120Liters. Need 1.5x sandbed the length of this mantis.

Yeah, but that 120 liters is for a 20cm specimen...20 cm is only 7".
Make sure you give full facts and not only partial ones.
Until the thread starter posts again, we're still not even sure we're talking about L. Maculata.