Awoke to see 2 dead damsels?


any ideas. my 2 dominos were fine last night around 1am but when I looked this morning they were dead, maroon clown acting funny. did a water change yesterday...all parameters are good as far as i can tell. ph 8.4, temp 78, salinity 1.021, amonia, nitrates, nitrites are 0. i added another power head as well yesterday but can't imagine that was it....anything else i missed?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stubbbs
any ideas. my 2 dominos were fine last night around 1am but when I looked this morning they were dead, maroon clown acting funny. did a water change yesterday...all parameters are good as far as i can tell. ph 8.4, temp 78, salinity 1.021, amonia, nitrates, nitrites are 0. i added another power head as well yesterday but can't imagine that was it....anything else i missed?
This happened to me once, I forgot to declorinate my water. (before the RO/DI)


Originally Posted by stdreb27
This happened to me once, I forgot to declorinate my water. (before the RO/DI)
what does declorinate mean?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Alex4286
what does declorinate mean?
tap water has clorine in it, and that is toxic to fish. So you have to treat your tap water to change the chlorine to an inert substance if you use tap water. So you De-cloronate it.
But use RO/DI water it is well worth the money.