AWOL Serpent Star


Well-Known Member
I've had a medium-sized serpent star in my 110 for about 6 weeks now, but I haven't seen him in 3 weeks! I know they like to hide, and there are LOTS of places mine could have gotten to, but 3 weeks?? I was thinking of putting a thawed silverside in the tank at night to try and tempt him out....think that will do any good? I need to feed my RBTA a silverside, anyway, so it's just another fish to thaw.
I haven't recorded any amm, trite, or trate spikes in the three weeks he's been AWOL, but a star his size could possibly have been consumed by my CUC before he had a chance to decompose, so......
I dunno!


Active Member
Sounds like a plan to me, mash it a bit to get a good chum slick in the water and wait for the feeding to begin.


i have one of those myself who hides. wait till late at night after the tank lights have been off for a few hours. use a small flashlight and you should see him out and about looking for food. mine only comes out after the lights have been out for a few hours and scavenges around the tank. except for occasionally seeing one of his arms sticking out from under a rock, i never know where he is in the light. thats what they do. kind of a bummer because they are so cool to look at in the light. thats why i added a chocolate chip starfish...hes out all day and night.