awsome live rock in Chicagoland area


any one in the Chicago land area want some great live rock theres a place in Tinley Park on West 171st st. that sells the best live rock i've ever seen. they keep it in a big oval tub and you san search through it to fing anything you want!!
At first glance i was able to find a small anemonie and some finger coral and the guy said if you wait till it's about half empty you can find different stars and crabs hidden in crevices in rocks at the bottom. and get this it's going for 10 bucks a pound. for hitck hikers like that $10/lb is well worth it
watch out for muscles though.:eek:


i live in the NW suburbs and i dont think my mom or dad are gonna drive me all the way out there just for some lr .:nope:


Active Member
$10 per pound is very overpriced for that LR in my opinion. Plus, I won't support that LFS with another penny considering how they house their livestock. Outside of *****, I have never seen such sickly looking fish for sale as what is offered at that LFS.
And, similar quality rock can be had at other stores in the Chicago area for half the price.


yes robchuck i do agree with the fish situation (keeping a shark and 3 lookdowns in a 20g long- terrible):nope:
but please tell me where you get lr with hitck hikers like that other than there for less i would love to know