Awsome Videos For SW Junkies


Active Member
This series is incredible i picked it up at the discovery channel store the other day, and it has amazing footage. For all you SW junkies (myself included) it is Narrated by David Attenborough and produced by the BBC and Discovery Channel. Trust me when i say you are guarenteed to love every minute of it, i attached a pic so you see what it looks live each video is 2 parts,
Tidal Seas
Seasonal Seas
Coral Seas
Opean Ocean
The Deep
Ocean World
Frozen seas
Those are the episodes eacs movie is 98minutes. Every section is just awsome, you have to have it.


I saw most of those when they showed them on TV, but I would love to have them on video. I agree that anyone in this hobby would love them.


Active Member
Thought id pull this from the crypt- just watched them tonight and my lord- people you have to see these - they are worth the money- you learn a ton of stuff and it is cool to say "i know what they are talking about!"


Active Member
here is a tip, I got the 5 DVD set, cheap because its the hong kong version, but just watch it in english, its the same set as US, when you put it in, just choose english as the language, just the writing on the package is in Chinese, and you can learn how to say anemone in chinese:D


Active Member
Got half of the set for xmas and found the other half discounted at Best Buy. Watch them over and over. In DVD and big screen you can get lost in the scenes.
Definitely recommended for all ocean lovers!


the DVDs are great-- I got the whole set for xmas too...
They are only 2 channel dolby, but the sound of the surf with a good sound system over the su
oofer is awesome!