B-Ionic ESV


Active Member
I've been puzzled by something for some time. Maybe someone has an explanation.
I use 2 part as I don't have any calcium hungry animals and do regular water changes.
Latest readings for calc 480 and alk 11-12.
Sometimes when I add the 2 part I get a nice cloud. Other times it seems to instantly turn to a cloud of snow flakes.
Is it that I'm on the edge of what this product can do and it's precipitating?
Any other thoughts?


That is whats happening. Alk and cal are closely tied together. The higher your alk. the less cal will dissolve in your water. wetwebmedia.com has an excellent article on this.


Active Member
Thanks, I'll beam over there and learn more.
Any recommendations on dosing then? Perhaps eliminate dosing for a few days and see if there is a shift in my readings and then create a schedule of dosing to keep it constant?


Active Member
If you don't have any calcium demanding animals, you really don't need to dose. Regular water changes will keep your calcium where it needs to be.


Active Member
Thanks. The more research I'm doing on this the more I'm buying into the overall concept of testing then adding.
I think I'll track the readings over a period time and see what my ca consumption really is and go from there.