B&W False Percs


I want to know what all the clown breeders think.....
I want to purchase 2 b&w false percs, but what are the chances they will pair up?

SO far I have only found to be able to purchase them seperatly, not as a pair, which I what want.
Will they fight? If they are both male, with the larger of the two turn female?

Here is another question...about genetics.... do they breed 'true' or are b&w's bred from different color percs????

I ask because I raise paint horses, and just because you breed 2 black and whites doesnt mean you will get a black and white foal......they have to be homozygous for black.....same thing in angus cattle or breeding 2 black german shepherds.........Sorry....had to use 4 legged animal genetics, as this is what I know!!!
Any answers to my questions are greatly appreciated!!!!
Anyone have a pair of b&w's for sale maybe???? That would be a good reply!!


Active Member
as long as they are juviniles and one is slightly bigger then the other, they should pair up and not fight. there may be a little as they grow and one starts to change, but things will settle down.
my orig pair of clowns were bought together as babies, had them for over two yrs, lost the male. 6 mo later bought another small clown and they paired right away. They have been laying eggs for about 3 mo now.