

New Member
I have a calico crab that just had a gazillion eggs hatch today. Feeding them phytoplankton,,,I hope. The survival rate is like somewhere around 5%. They are Isolated in a 10 gallon for now, didn't want her to have them in the main 40 tank. Any care suggestions? Finding info for this calico "hepatus epheliticus" is nearly impossible.


might be a good idea to put a piece of live rock in there...they might be able to live off of some of the stuff on it.


New Member
there is a 5 pound piece in there and I am givein them zooplex plankton, thanks for the feedback, there are thousands maby a million of these guys, they are cool but i do not expect to have more than 10 survive. I have read it is natural to only have 1 to 5% survive in the wild even. But that was a different species of crab I read about. so far so good. I really do not know what I will do if a lot of them survive past the larvae stage,, guess I will hit every local store around and try to get store credit or somethin. thanks again


1% of a gazillion is uh, a whole bunch. I'll take a few. How much including shipping and handling.:D Never have seen a calico crab. Can you post a pic.


New Member
I do not yet have a picture of cally which is unfortunate would have loved to photo the way she looked taken care of eggs. Anyway there is a link on this search engine if you type in calico crab you will get a few pics under others. one had two under lepord crab, these bottom two resembled my crab. They are very cool to watch they hide most always till feeding time then they spring to life an devour frozen brine. It was cool one day I lost a damsel and curiously placed it near her she anialated the remains very quick.seems peaseful though, dont have a reef system yet so couldnt tell you if she is reef safe. I do have two bottom dwelling fish that do not mind her and she has yet :thinking: to mess with them. I'll keep you posted on the babies,if any survive. I do not know about shipping but if you pay that I'll give you one or two,,,you wont need more they are larger than most 2-3 inches across. awsome crab though very intertaing to watch that little tank go.