baby aiptasia?


New Member
Hi guys and gals, I recently set up an 28 HQI nano and noticed about 20 or so of these little guys on my glass. They are about the size of pin head and the snails avoid them. I am thinking some sort of baby anemone but don't know. This pic is with a 60x microscope. Thoughts anyone? Thanks in advance for any help.
nice pic my cams dont even catch them i have tons of them, i was told to just keep scraping them off the glass and they will go away soon, Only bad thing is they sting fish from i have told! I just wanted to say nice pic what kind of cam?


There are alot of fish that eat those guys, it's usually a sign your almost ready for fish when you see them spring up.


New Member
Thanks for the help... as for the cam it is a cheap usb microscope I picked up for $90.