baby anenome - please read


New Member
Hey there- new to this forum, but have been on this site for awhile.
On 2/1/08 I got a baby bubbletip anenome. SO CUTE!! Acclimated=great.
On 2/2/08 fed 1/2 piece krill. He ate it and next day spit it back up.
Since then I bought a bottle of Kent's Micro- Vert and mix that in with my spirulina brine shrimp. He is not where I want him, he is hanging off the edge on the rock - I kinda wanted him 'on top' of it to view better.
With this anenome- it is better to leave him alone? Or can I simply move him to the ideal viewing spot?
How often to feed one this size (about the size of a large grape?
I hvae posted on another forum- and asked my LFS- but getting different answers.
Any help would be great- thanks!
(let me know if you need a picture, because would like to know how big he will become!)


Active Member
He will go where he feels is best flow and light for him. You should respect this and leave him alone. Your attempts to put him where you want him will stress and harm him. As for feeding the more you feed the larger he will grow and they do grow large. Normally once per week should be fine. 1/2 pc. of krill should be a good size for it but if it spit out the krill maybe try a smaller pc. They are beautiful animals aren't they? Good luck with yours. Tell us about your tank.


New Member
Thanks. Fine- I will leave him to be. The bigger he gets the better I will see him eventually. I do not want to stress him (or anything else in my tank). Have had a rough start getting started (began 9/2007). After fixing a leak in sump, and getting lights re-ordered- finally where I want to be. Tank:180 gallons. So far: 1 yellow tang, 1 sailfin tang, 1 sixline wrasse, 2 domino damsels, 1 black/gold brittle star, 1 emerald green crab, 1 arrow crab, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, peppermint / glass shrimp, 1 green clown goby, nassarius, 1 orange chestnut snail, dwarf hermits, 1 bta, small yellow polyp colony. Working on my coralline algae coloring and corals/fish. Thanks for the remark on the BTA! I was feeling bad about letting him go that long throughout the week without feeding. But you are the second person who has mentioned that he will be ok.


Active Member
Agreed, i bet this is an awesome setup! Congrats on the BTA too - since it is taking the food that is a definate good sign. If they don't eat the food or latch onto it with their tenticles they could be in bad health (depending on the situation).
We want pictures!